Prepare for a frosty reception in the North Pole this year - in this free festive Escapists 2 update you’ll be having a woeful Christmas time.
Rumours have been circulating that since becoming a .com millionaire Santa’s a little past his prime, and his booming online empire has replaced all joy and cheer with cold hard cash and a regime of fear. The grotto’s become a warehouse and the elves have all been replaced by robots, with one exception – you!
Santa’s firmly keeping the work in workshop this Christmas with a list of new jobs to keep you busy while incarcerated. The reindeers need feeding, Christmas lists need incinerating and you’re just the elf to do it. Faced with a lifetime of hard labour, it’s time to plan your next daring escape and earn your festive freedom.
You’ve been put in the nick by St. Nick, have you got what it takes or is there Snow Way Out?
在免费的Santa’s Shakedown更新中享受节日的乐趣
给牢房装上铁窗然后逃出这里!在The Escapists 2的最新免费更新中,圣诞节以一个崭新地图的形式早早到来——Santa’s Shakedown。虽说这里充满节日的欢乐气氛,你也不愿意永远受困,可要想从这金箔纸包装的监狱中逃出去,必须得想点别出心裁的妙计。你需要收集各种全新的物品以及一些非常独特的可制作物品,你必须积极参与装饰圣诞树,或是制造玩具士兵,通过这些新的监狱工作来保持低调,静待时机到来,远走高飞!
做好准备,穿暖和点,如果你愿意的话再叫上你的好狱友,然后打开游戏,尽情体验Santa’s Shakedown!